

職稱: 副教授

學經歷 Education and Experiences


國立台灣大學醫學院微生物學研究所 博士
國立台灣大學醫學院微生物學研究所 碩士
台北醫學院 醫事技術學系 學士
耕莘健康管理專科學校 副教授、助理教授、講師
耕莘健康管理專科學校 學生事務處主任、秘書室主任
泛球藥理研究所 實驗研究人員


專長領域 Research Interests








(A) 期刊論文 

  1. Lin SR, Yang TY, Peng CY, Lin YY, Dai CY, Wang HY, Su TH, Tseng TC, Liu IJ, Cheng HR, Shen YC, Wu FY, Liu CJ, Chen DS, Chen PJ, Yang HC.  2021 Whole genome deep sequencing analysis of viral quasispecies diversity and evolution in HBeAg seroconverters. JHEP Reports doi:0.1016/j.jhepr.2021.100254
  2. Yang YC, Chen YH, Kao JH, Ching C, Liu IJ, Wang CC, Tsai CH, Wu FY, Liu CJ, Chen PJ, Chen DS, and Yang HC. 2020 Permanent Inactivation of HBV Genomes by CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Non-cleavage Base Editing. Molecular Therapy: Nucleic Acids (20)480-490 
  3. Chuang HC, Ho KF, Lin LY, Chang TY, Hong GB, Ma CM, Liu IJ, Chuang KJ. 2017 Long-term indoor air conditioner filtration and cardiovascular health: A randomized crossover intervention study. Environ Int. (106):91-96. 
  4. Han BC, Liu IJ, Chuang HC, Pan CH, Chuang KJ. 2016 Effect of welding fume on heart rate variability among workers with respirators in a shipyard. Sci Rep. (6):34158-. 
  5. Liu WT, Ma CM, Liu IJ, Han BC, Chuang HC, Chuang KJ. 2015. Effects of commuting mode on air pollution exposure and cardiovascular health among young adults in Taipei, Taiwan. Int J Hyg Environ Health. (218):319-323. 
  6. Chuang KJ, Chen HW, Liu IJ, Chuang HC, Lin LY. 2014. The effect of essential oil on heart rate and blood pressure among solus por aqua workers. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. (21):823-828. 
  7. 劉薏蓉, 陳柏文, 黃秉炘. 2014.玄米萃取物於抗氧化、抑制黑色素生成及致突變的研究.耕莘學報, (12):67-74. 
  8. Liu IJ., Tsai WT., Hsieh LE., Chueh LL. 2013. Peptides corresponding to the predicted heptad repeat 2 domain of the feline coronavirus spike protein are potent inhibitors of viral infection. PLoS ONE 8(12): e82081. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082081 (SCI) IF:3.730 
  9. 9. Lin LY., Liu IJ.*, Chuang HC., Lin HY., Chuang KJ. 2013. Size and composition effects of household particles on inflammation and endothelial dysfunction of human coronary artery endothelial cells. Atmospheric Environment (77):490-495. (SCI) IF:3.110 (*co-first author) 
  10. Lin LY, Chuang HC, Liu IJ., Chen HW, Chuang KJ. Reducing indoor air pollution by air conditioning is associated with improvements in cardiovascular health among the general population. Sci Total Environ 2013(463-46):176-181. (SCI) IF:3.258 
  11. Chuang KJ, Chen HW, Liu IJ., Chuang HC, Lin LY. 2013. The effect of essential oil on heart rate and blood pressure among solus por aqua workers. Eur J Prev Cardiol in press (SCI) IF:3.903 

(B) 研討會論文 

  1. Characterization of viral quasispecies evolution during spontaneous hepatitis B e seroconversion by deep sequencing-2016 International HBV Meeting The Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses (2016) 
  2. Peptides corresponding to the predicted N terminal of heptad repeat 2 domain of the feline coronavirus type II spike protein are essential region of viral infection - XIIIth INTERNATIONAL NIDOVIRUS SYMPOSIUM (Spain)(2014) 
  3. Peptides Derived from HR2 Region of Feline Coronavirus Inhibit Viral Replication. II International Conference on Antimicrobial Research - ICAR2012 Lisbon (Portugal)(2012). 
  4. Antiviral effect of the peptides derived from SARS-CoV and Retrocyclin 2 against feline coronavirus. 30th Annual Meeting of The American Society for Virology (2011). 
  5. Evaluation of General Essential (Ostrich) Oil, Survey of its Transdermal Properties and the Skin Water Content. International Cosmetic-Tech Conference & Exhibition (2011)
  6. Chang LT,Liu IJ,Chang TY,Hong GB,Lin LY,Chuang HC, Ho KF, Chuang KJ. Association of long-term indoor exposure to fine particles with pulmonary effects in Northern Taiwan . Sci Total Environ .2022 ;(821)