


黃玉苹 副教授

學經歷 Education and Experiences
Griffith University護理博士



專長領域 Research Interests
慢性病兒童(癲癇、癌症等)及其家庭照護、發展遲緩兒童及其家庭照護、兒科護理學、人類發展學、護理研究、 詮釋現象學質性研究、殘障兒童及其家庭

論文著述 Representative Publication List/strong>


  1. Yu-Ping Huang*, Shou-Yu Wang, Ursulla Kellett, Chao-Huei Chen. (2020, Jan). Shame, Suffering, and Believing in the Family: The Experience of Grandmothers of a Grandchild With a Developmental Delay or Disability in the Context of Chinese Culture. Journal of Family Nursing, 26(1), 52-64. (SSCI: 24/120. Impact factor:1.891)
  2. Chun-Fei Chen, Fang-Liang Huang, Yueh-Chih Chen, I-Fan Wang, Yu-Ping Huang*. (2020, July). Maternal caregiving for children newly diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Traditional Chinese mothering as the double-edged sword. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 53, e64-e71.  (SSCI: 37/120. Impact factor: 1.563)
  3. 蔡淑芳、陳淑齡、鄧羽翔、黃玉苹* (2020,Aug) 發展與檢定新進護理人員五大核心能力量表,高雄護理雜誌,37(2),8-19。
  4. Yu-Ping Huang, Shou-Yu Wang, Su-Hui Chen, Wan-Yun Hsue, & Mei-Yu Chang. (2019, Aug). The experience of spousal caregivers of patients recently diagnosed with cancer in Taiwan. Collegian, 26(4), 477-484. (SSCI: 65/118. Impact factor: 1.153)
  5. Shou-Yu Wang, Ju-Fen LiuYu-Ping Huang, Ying-Ying Chang. (2018, Sep). The diabetic foot amputation decision-making process. Advances in Skin and Wound Care, 31(9), 413-420. (SSCI: 52/118. Impact factor: 1.377)   
  6. Shou-Yu Wang, Shu-Hui Liu, Yu-Ping Huang (2017, Aug). Transition from diagnosis to regular medication use for adults with HIV/AIDS infection. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7(12), 123-131. (SSCI)
  7. Yueh-Chen Yeh, Winsome St John, Yeu-Hui Chuang, Yu-Ping Huang* (2017, Oct 10月). The care needs of postpartum women taking their first time of doing the month: a qualitative study. Contemporary Nurse, 53(5), 576-588. (Corresponding author) (SSCI: 67/118. Impact factor: 0.673)
  8. Chen, S. H., Yu-Ping Huang, Shao, J. H. (2017, Sep). Effects of a dietary self-management programme for community-dwelling older adults: A quasi-experimental design. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 31(3), 619-629. doi: 10.1111/scs.12375. (SCI : 32/118. Impact factor: 1.318)
  9. 陳雅惠、黃玉苹、蔡淑芳 (2017, July). 護理臨床教師運用學習型態之教學經驗,澄清醫護管理雜誌,13(3),58-65。
  10. Shou-Yu Wang, Li-Wei Lin, Ying-Ying Chang, Yu-Ping Huang (2016, June, 6月). Health care professionals’ interactions with cancer patients who use complementary and alternative medicine in Taiwan. Collegian, 23(2), 209-216. (Corresponding author) (SSCI: 65/118. Impact factor: 1.153)
  11. 王純君、曾勤媛、阮祺文、黃玉苹 (2016, May) 運用ISBAR改善並提升內科加護病房交班完整率及滿意度之專案,弘光學報,78,33-46。
  12. Yu-Ping Huang, Ursula Kellett, Shou-Yu Wang, Mei-Yu Chang, Hui-Min Chih (2014, Sep-Oct). Experience of nurses caring for child with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in general pediatric ward: a descriptive phenomenological approach. Cancer Nursing, 37(5), 32-39. (SSCI: 18/118. Impact factor: 2.022)
  13. Yu-Ping Huang, Ming-yuh Chang, Yu-Lin Chi, Fei-Chen Lai (2014, Feb). Health-related quality of life in fathers of children with or without developmental disability: The mediating effect of parental stress. Quality of Life Research, 23(1), 175-183. (SCI)
  14. 蔡惠如、莊宇慧、王守玉、黃玉苹、蘇淑芬 (2014) 照顧一位初次腦中風病患接受血栓溶解劑治療及處置併發症的護理經驗,領導護理雜誌,15(4),49-59。
  15. 姚遠賢、黃玉苹、楊政議、王守玉 (2013年12月) 大腸癌病人決定接受標靶治療的決策過程,護理暨健康照護研究,9(4),311-319。
  16. 陳秀蓉、李慧鶯、楊惠娟、黃玉苹(2013年 1月)癲癇學童生活問卷發展與信效度檢定,台灣醫學,18(1),12-21。(TSCI)
  17. 陳美婷、曾勤媛、楊雅筑、黃玉苹(2013年12月),照顧一位中年男性急性腦中風合併失語症患者的護理經驗,弘光學報,71,1-12。 (通訊作者) 。
  18. 劉娟如、曾勤媛、蔡麗珍、黃玉苹(2013年12月),照護一位早發型阿茲海默症患者的護理經驗,長庚護理,24(4),435-443。(通訊作者)。
  19. 池惠民.張德高.邵榮華.黃玉苹(2013,6月)探討造血幹細胞移植之感染防護,長庚護理,24(2),156-162。 (通訊作者)
  20. 黃玉苹、陳月枝、王守玉、李慧鶯、陳秀蓉 (2012,12月),Exploring Taiwanese nursing students’ living experiences of pediatric nursing practice,弘光學報,68,62-76。
  21. Yu-Ping Huang*, Shu-Ling Chen, Sen-Wei Tsai. (2012, November). Father’s experiences of involvement in daily care of their child with developmental disability in a Chinese context. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21, 3287-3296. (SSCI)
  22. 黃玉苹、陳秀蓉、周詩卿(2012,12月)探討一位母親照護呼吸器依賴病嬰從醫院到居家的過渡期經驗,長庚護理,23(4),521-529。
  23. 黃玉苹、王守玉、陳秀蓉、吳汶珊(2012,6月)探討母親在病嬰診斷癲癇初期使用抗癲癇藥物遵從性的經驗,弘光學報66, 53-61。
  24. Yu-Ping Huang*, Yuen-Chih Chen, Ursula Kellett. (2012,4月). Learning experiences of nursing students from classroom storytelling by parents of children with disabilities. 澄清醫護管理雜誌,8(2),28-35。
  25. Yu-Ping Huang*, Sen-Wei Tsai, Ursula Kellett. (2012, January). Fathers of children with disabilities: encounters with health professionals in a Chinese context. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21, 198-206. (SSCI)
  26. Yu-Ping Huang*, Ursula Kellett, Winsome St John (2011, January). Being-concerned: Care-giving for Taiwanese mothers of a child with cerebral palsy. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21, 189-197. (SSCI)
  27. Ya-Huei Chen, Yih-Jen Duh, Yen-Fen Feng, Yu-Ping Huang* (2011,6月). Preceptors’ experiences training new graduate nurses: A hermeneutic phenomenological approach. Journal of Nursing Research, 19(2), 132-140. (SSCI)
  28. 楊婷馨、陳秀蓉、吳幸娟、黃玉苹*(2011,12月)一位白血病青少女身體心像改變及因應之探討,長庚護理,22(4),547-555。(通訊作者)
  29. Yu-Ping Huang*, Ursula Kellett, Winsome St John (2010). Cerebral palsy: Experiences of mothers after learning their child’s diagnosis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(6), 1213-1221. (SSCI, Ranking:5/58, Impact factor: 1.654)
  30. 陳秀蓉、黃莉綾、黃玉苹、楊惠娟(2009,11月)癲癇兒童家長對癲癇知識與態度量表之初探性應用,台灣醫學,13(6),547-557。(TSCI)
  31. 黃玉苹、陳月枝、陳雅惠 (2009,10月) 非安寧病房護理人員照護臨終病童之困難經驗,澄清醫護管理雜誌,5(4),63-71。
  32. 陳雅惠、黃玉苹*、Ursula Kellett、林捷忠(2009,9月)肝臟移植患孩母親的生活經驗-前驅性研究,長庚護理,20(3),306-318。
  33. 黃玉苹、蔡森蔚、陳俊一、蔡淑芳 (2007) 一位腦性麻痺合併聽障患童父親的生活經驗,長庚護理,18(3),414-42。
  34. 蔡淑芳、李選、陳淑齡、黃玉苹*(2007) 一位疑似SARS病嬰母親的經驗,長庚護理,18(1), 120-131。(通訊作者)
  35. 黃玉苹、Ursula M Kellett、Winsome St John、李選 (2006) 剖悉現象學論點與其在護理研究中之應用,護理雜誌,53(2),49-58。
  36. 李心慈、黃玉苹、陳淑齡 (2006) 一位高齡孕婦面臨胎死腹中的經驗與調適行為,弘光學報, 48,39-46。
  37. 陳淑齡、黃玉苹、蔡淑芳、陳俊一 (2005) 以焦點團體探討照顧疑似SARS病嬰護理人員的經驗與因應行為,長庚護理,16(3),275-287。
  38. 黃玉苹、蔣立琦、陳淑齡 (2003). 利用繪畫探索學齡前期住院兒童的內心世界. 新臺北護理期刊,16 (3),275-287。
  39. 黃玉苹 (2002). 雙胞胎同床照護. 護理雜誌,49 (5),91-95。


  1. Yu-Ping Huang, Chao-Huei Chen. (2019). Lived experience of grandfathers of children with developmental delay. International Healthcare Conference, Paris, France- June 26-27.
  2. Yu-Ping Huang, Yueh-Chen, YehChun-Fei Chen. (2017). Mothers’ Lived Experience in Caring for Children Newly Diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. 23rd World Nursing and Healthcare conference, Berlin, Germany – July 10-12.
  3. Yu-Ping, Huang, Shou-Yu, Wang, Pinhua, Lin (2017). Roles of Health Professionals during Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Children with Cancer. 23rd World Nursing and Healthcare conference, Berlin, Germany – July 10-12.   
  4. Yu-Ping Huang, Chao-Huei Chen (2016), Lived Experiences Of The Grandmothers Of Children With Developmental Disability: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study. 2016 International Education Conference Venice, Italy – June 6-9.
  5. Yu-Ping Huang, Shou-Yu Wang, Hsiu-Wen Lin (2015). A Woman’s Grief Experience for her Grandchild with α-Thalassemia. Annual International Conference on Nursing, Athens, Greece- May 4-7.
  6. Yu-Ping Huang, Hui-Min Chih, & Mei-Yu Chang (2013). Experience of nurses caring for child with HSCT in non-transplantation ward: A descriptive phenomenological approach. The International Council of Nurses 25rd Quadrennial Congress Conference, Melbourne, Australia - June 19-23th.
  7. Yu-Ping Huang, Yu-Lin Chi, Chao-Huei Chen. (2012). The predictors on health-related quality of life among parents of children with developmental delays. International Nursing Conference. Beijing, China – June 6-8.
  8. Yu-Ping Huang, Shiu-Jung Chen, Chao-Huei Chen, Yueh-Chih Chen (2011). Perceived social support of fathers and mothers of children with developmental disabilities in Taiwan. 10th International Family Nursing Conference, Kyoto, Japan, June 25th-27th. (Poster)
  9. Yu-Ping Huang, Shiu-Jung Chen, Chao-Huei Chen, Yueh-Chih Chen (2011). Parenting stress of fathers and mothers of children with developmental disabilities. 10th International Family Nursing Conference, Kyoto, Japan, June 25th-27th. (Poster)
  10. Yu-Ping Huang, Shiu-Jung Chen, Chao-Huei Chen, Yueh-Chih Chen (2011). The relationship between parenting stress and social support of fathers and mothers of children with developmental disabilities. 10th International Family Nursing Conference, Kyoto, Japan, June 25th-27th. (Poster)
  11. Yu-Ping Huang, Shiu-Jung Chen, Hsin-Yi Cheng (2011). The experience of a mother when hearing her child’s diagnosis of brain cancer. 10th International Family Nursing Conference, Kyoto, Japan, June 25th-27th. (Poster)
  12. Yu-Ping Huang; Sen-Wei Tsai (2010). The lived experience of Taiwanese fathers hearing of their children’s diagnosis of developmental disabilities. Dealing with Chronicity and Disability: Nursing Practice Innovation (May 26 & 27, 2010). Taipei Medical University, College of Nursing. Taipei, taiwan.
  13. Yu-Ping Huang; Sen-Wei Tsai (2010). To explore the lived experience of Taiwanese fathers of children with developmental disabilities. Dealing with Chronicity and Disability: Nursing Practice Innovation (May 26 & 27, 2010). Taipei Medical University, College of Nursing. Taipei, taiwan.
  14. Yu-Ping Huang; Yueh-Chih Chen (2010). Reflection on a Teaching Strategy of storytelling: Inviting a mother of a child with cerebral palsy in classroom. New Challenges for Graduate Nursing Education in the Era of Chronicity and Disability (May 27 & 28, 2010). Taipei Medical University, College of Nursing. Taipei, taiwan.
  15. 陳秀蓉、陳月枝、楊惠娟、黃玉苹(2010)‧家長癲癇知識與態度量表之初步應用結果。辦理日期:99年4月14日至4月18日。辦理單位:台灣護理學會、南京護理學會。辦理地點:江蘇省南京市和南通市。「2010年第二屆海峽兩岸護理學術交流會-護理與文化整合高峰論壇」‧海報發表。
  16. 陳雅惠、黃玉苹、杜異珍(2009)二年期護理師(護士)訓練指導者的教學經驗,第25次論文發表會暨兩岸護理學會交流,2009/09/04,於高雄醫學大學大講堂。
  17. 陳雅惠、黃玉苹、Ursula Kellett、 林捷忠(2008)肝臟移植患孩母親的照護經驗-前驅性研究,第24次論文發表會暨兩岸護理學會交流,2008/09/06,於台北醫學大學杏春樓。
  18. Huang, Y. P., Kellett, U., St John, W., & Lee, D. (2007). “Caring for a child with cerebral palsy: The Taiwanese mother’s experience”, paper presented at the International Council of Nurses Conference Proceedings, Yokohama, Japan, May 30th. (Oral presentation)
  19. Huang, Y. P., Kellett, U., & St John, W. (2006). “The Experience of Care-giving for a Taiwanese Mother of a Child with Cerebral Palsy”, paper presented at the 7th International Interdisciplinary Conference - Advances in Qualitative Methods, Gold Coast, Australia, July 15th. (Poster)
  20. Huang, Y. P., Tsai, S. F. & Cheng, S. L. (2006). “The needs of Taiwanese fathers of children with developmental delay”, paper presented at the 7th International Interdisciplinary Conference - Advances in Qualitative Methods, Gold Coast, Australia, July 14th.
  21. Huang, Y. P., Tsai, S. F. & Cheng, S. L. (2006). “The experience of a mother of a child with suspected SARS”, paper presented at the 7th International Interdisciplinary Conference - Advances in Qualitative Methods, Gold Coast, Australia, July 14th.
  22. Cheng, S. L., & Huang, Y. P. (2006). “The experience for women of a pelvic examination in Taiwan”, paper presented at the 7th International Interdisciplinary Conference - Advances in Qualitative Methods, Gold Coast, Australia, July 14th. (Poster)
  23. Huang, Y. P., Chen, S. Z., & Tsai, S. F. (2005). “To explore the experience of being a mother of a child with developmental delay”, paper presented at the International Council of Nurses 23rd Quadrennial Congress Conference Proceedings, Taipei, Taiwan - May 23th. (Poster)
  24. Huang, Y. P., Kellett, U., & St John, W. (2005). “A hermeneutic study of the experience of being a Taiwanese mother of a child with cerebral palsy”, paper presented at the International Council of Nurses 23rd Quadrennial Congress Conference Proceedings, Taipei, Taiwan - May 25th. (Oral presentation)
  25. Huang, Y. P., Chen, S. L., & Tsai, S. F. (2005). “Experiences of a father of a child with cerebral palsy associated with hearing impairment”, paper presented at the International Council of Nurses 23rd Quadrennial Congress Conference Proceedings, Taipei, Taiwan - May 26th. (Poster)
  26. Tsai, S. F., Chen, S. L., Huang, Y. P., & Chen, J. I. (2005). “Using focus group to explore experience and coping behaviors of nurses caring for children with suspect SARS”, paper presented at the International Council of Nurses 23rd Quadrennial Congress Conference Proceedings, Taipei, Taiwan - May 26th. (Poster)


  1. 黃玉苹 (2017).兒童肌肉骨骼系統疾病及其護理· 於陳月枝總校閱,實用兒科護理(八版,727-784頁).台北:華杏。
  2. 黃玉苹、雷若莉(2018).質性研究設計,護理研究概要 (三版,313-351頁).台北:華杏。
  3. 黃玉苹 (2008).兒童呼吸系統的健康照護· 於陳月枝總校閱,實用兒科護理學(八版,4-45頁).台中:華格那。
  4. 黃玉苹(2004)· 兒童神經系統護理,小兒科護理學(一版,6-1-62頁)· 台北:華騰文化。

