



學經歷 Education and Experiences
La Trobe University護理哲學博士
Philippine University護理碩士


專長領域 Research Interests

論文著述 Representative Publication List/strong>

  1. Lin, J. T., Chen, P. C., Su, C. Y., Chao, C. M. (2019). Behavioral Intention to Undertake Health Examinations: Transaction Cost Theory and Social Exchange Theory, International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 11(4), 100-112.
  2. Chen, P. C., Chang, C.F., Su, C. Y., Chao, C. M., Ko, C. Y. (2019). Factors influencing the adoption of cloud telehealth systems based on the technology acceptance model and perceived risk. Journal of Applied Sciences, 19(7), 629-636.
  3. Sun, F.K., Su, C.Y., Wei, C.F. Lan, C.M. & Chiang, C.Y.* (2018). Comparing the differences in health of body, mental, and spirit among Category 3 and 4 controlled drug users, nursing students, and psychology students. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 30(1)    , 40-48. (SSCI, IF:0.690)
  4. Wu, T. T. , Huang, Y. M. , Su, C. Y. , Chang L., Lu, Y. C. (2018). Application and analysis of a mobile e-book system based on project-based learning in community health nursing practice courses, Educational Technology & Society, 21(4), 143-156. (SSCI, Impact Factor 1.767)
  5. Chen R. J., Chen, P. C., Yu, C. W., Su, C. Y.*, Chao C. M. (2016). Determination of factors influencing the adoption of App systems on the basis of an information system success model and UTAUT 2. Wulfenia Journal, 23(1), 113-123. (SCI)
  6. Lee, W. P., Chiang, H. C., Chen, F. A., Su, C. Y.* (2015). Effects of auricular acupressure on dietary change and weight reduction in young Taiwanesefemales: A randomized controlled trial , Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg Journal , 65(3), 121-136. (SSCI)
  7. 黃如萍、蘇貞瑛 (2015) ‧護理系大學生對刮痧療法的知識、態度及行為之探討‧護理暨健康照護研究,11(4),287-297。

B 學術研討會論文

  1. Kung, C. Y., Su, C. Y.*, Lin, Y. H., Hsu, K. F. (2021). Study on the Acceptability and Effectiveness of the Health Education for the Use of Electronic Books in Diabetic Patients, The 9th Holistic Medical and Integrated Services Seminar in 2021, Taiwan: Taoyuan.
  2. Lu, Y. H., Su, C. Y.*, Kung, C. Y., Chen, M. Z. (2021). The Prevalence Survey of Metabolic Syndrome of the Middle-Aged Adults and Elderly in Hengchun Area, The 9th Holistic Medical and Integrated Services Seminar in 2021, Taiwan: Taoyuan.
  3. Su, C. Y., Hsieh, H. F., Weng, R. H. (2021).  An Investigation of Factors Related to Certified Healthcare Workers' Employment in Kinmen County, Taiwan. 2020 Taiwan International Nursing Conference Taipei, Taiwan.
  4. Su, C. Y., Lu, Y. H., Li, S. M., Sink, J. Z. (2019). The Effectiveness of Using Telehealth Care for Diabetes Case- A Study in Kinmen Area. AAPINA & TWNA Joint International Conference (Poster) . Taiwan: Taichung.
  5. Lei-Chang, Ting-Ting Wu and Chen-Ying Su (2018, Aug 27-30). Exploration of Learning Effectiveness and Cognitive Load on interactivity and non-interactivity Mobile E-book introduced in Nursing Education,  International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia (Best Paper Award).
  6. Yi-Chen Lu, Ting-Ting Wu and  Chen-Ying Su (2018, Aug 27-30). The Effectiveness of Health Communication for Implement Multimedia E-Book into Large and Small Groups, Portoroz, Slovenia. 
  7. Hsin-Hsin Lin, Tzong-song Wang, Chen-Ying Su, Chun-Yan Li, Po-Sen Huang, Wen-Ho Chuo, Meng-Chuan Wen, Daih-Huang Kuo (2016). A Proposal for Implementing e-Learning and e-OSCE in Med-nursing Education. E-Learn2016-Washington, DC, United States, 1371-1374.
  8. 潘正欽、蘇貞瑛、陳明智、盧耀華*(2018) 。社區老人跌倒之相關因素探討,107年第七屆全人醫療暨整合服務研討會(海報發表)。台灣:台中。.

C 專書及論文專書

  1. 蘇貞瑛(2020) .健康促進.於尹祚芊前總校閱,社區衛生護理學,第九版,台北:永大 (AI-06)
  2. 蘇貞瑛(2019) .健康促進.於尹祚芊前總校閱,社區衛生護理學,第二版,台北:永大 (AI-03)
  3. 蘇貞瑛(2018) .生命徵象.於王月琴等合著,基本護理學(八版,9-1- 9-63頁)‧台北:永大。
  4. 蘇貞瑛(2014) .社區衛生護理學應考集,大仁科技大學 (ISBN:978-986-6140-29-7)
  5. 盧耀華、蘇貞瑛 (2014) .幸福指數.於王駿發等合著 .幸福學概論,台北:五南。    (ISBN:978-957-11-7770-0[177])
  6. 郭代璜、蘇貞瑛(2014) .幸福與健康關懷產業.於王駿發等合著 .幸福學概論,台北:五南。(ISBN:978-957-11-7770-0[177])

D  計畫

  1. 金門縣領有照顧服務員證書未投入長照工作或離職因素調查計畫 (金門縣衛生局)
  2. Exploring the Learning Effectiveness Using Interactive e-books on the students of Senior Citizen Active Learning Center: The Case Study of Urban, Rural and Offshore Islands. (MOST 108-2511-H-507 -002 -)
  3. 失智症個案家庭照顧者之照顧負荷及身體狀況之探討-以離島金門為例 (科技部大專生計畫, MOST 108-2813-C-507-005-B)
  4. Exploring the Acceptance and Effectiveness of Health Education with UTAUT2-Using e-books to Kinmen people as an example. (MOST 107-2635-H-507-002)
  5. 遠距健康照護對於糖尿病個案照顧之成效 (科技部大專生計畫, MOST 107-2813-C-507-007-H)
  6.  Development, application and analysis of a mobile e-book system for project-based instruction and practice in community health nursing (MOST 105-2628-S-224-001-MY3)
